Blog Guidance


To guide those wishing to submit blogs to Long COVID Physio and to provide transparency on Long COVID Physio executive board decision-making with blog submissions.

When To Use

For anybody wishing to submit a blog for publication on Long COVID Physio website and for Long COVID Physio executive board upon receiving a request to write a blog, or submission of a blog.


Step One

Make contact with Long COVID Physio to express your interest in writing a blog, and provide details from the “Get to Know You” information (Appendix A), prior to submitting a written blog for consideration.

Step Two

Upon submission of a request with “Get to Know You” information, Long COVID Physio Executive Board will review your request and provide details for submission. The Long COVID Physio executive board will review blog submissions to determine if the blog meets association values and principles including; collaboration, partnership, evidence informed approaches, non-discrimination, inclusion, and meaningful engagement of communities living with and affected by Long COVID. The Long COVID Physio executive board will review blog submission based on pre-determined criteria (Appendix B). Submission will receive an outcome including:

1) Submission accepted

2) Revisions required; feedback will be provided for resubmission

3) Decline submission


Submissions requiring revision can be re-submitted, and general feedback will be provided. Long COVID Physio executive board members will not re-write submissions or provide extensive feedback. General feedback can include guidance on themes, content, suggestions of grammar or spelling edits, requests for evidence based citations or references, and suggestions for alternate terminology or wording. If a blog submission requires more in-depth feedback, submissions will be declined.


 APPENDIX A – Get to Know You

Thank you for your interest in writing for the Long COVID Physio blog.

 Please provide answers to these question when making contact, to help us get to know you.

1. Why are you interested in writing for Long COVID Physio?

2. Do you have any samples of previous writing that you would like to share?

3. What country do you currently reside in?


 APPENDIX B - Guidance for Submissions:

Does the blog align with Long COVID Physio values and principles?

Is the blog written within the scope of lived experience and/or expertise?

Is the blog evidence based when providing information or guidance?

If the blog is written from outside of lived experience, does the blog provide reference to lived experience? 

Does the blog centre voices from Long COVID, disability and/or illness communities?

Does the blog lift up under-represented voices with respect for intersectionality, such as racialised, LGBTQ2IA+, women, and historically maligned illnesses.

Is it blog writing for the Long COVID Physio audience* with focus on Long COVID, disability and rehabilitation?

*Audience may include: people living with Long COVID; people living with other/intersecting illnesses and disabilities; healthcare providers; people interested in Long COVID, disability, and rehabilitation.

Are references or citations accurate, including in-text citations and hyper-links?

Does the blog avoid minimisation of Long COVID symptoms and experiences?

Does the blog makes claims that are not evidence based?

Blogs are not permitted marketing of services, devices or non-evidence based interventions.


 Date Last Revised: 10th July 2022